- Open Exchange System Manager. Go to First Organization (exchange) -> Global Settings -> Internet Message Form.
- Right click on “Default” in the right panel
- Click on the [Advanced] tab at the top
- Put ticks into “Allow out of office responses”, “Allow automatic replies” and “Allow automatic forward”
- Open Exchange Management Console
- Navigate to Organization Configuration -> Hub Transport
- Click on [Remote Domains] tab -> select “Default” -> Right mouse click then “Properties”
- Select “Allow external out-of-office messages, and out-of-office message set by Outlook 2003 or earlier….” option
- Click on the [Format of original message sent as attachment to journal report] tab
- Put a tick in “Allow automatic replies” and “Allow automatic forward
- Open Exchange Management Console
- Navigate to Organization Configuration -> Hub Transport
- Click on [Remote Domains] tab -> select “Default” -> Right mouse click then “Properties”
- Select “Allow external out-of-office messages, and legacy out-of-office messages….” option
- Click on the [Message Format] tab at the top
- Put a tick in “Allow automatic replies” and “Allow automatic forward