The NetExtender utility is automatically installed on your computer. To remove NetExtender, click on Start > All Programs, click on SonicWALL SSL VPN NetExtender, and then click on Uninstall.
You can also configure NetExtender to automatically uninstall when your session is disconnected. To do so, perform the following steps:
1. Right click on the NetExtender icon in the system tray and click on Preferences… The NetExtender Preferences window is displayed.
2. Click on the Settings tab.
3. Select Uninstall NetExtender automatically to have NetExtender uninstall every time you end a session.
Follow these steps if you are unable to remove NetExtender.
Version 1.0.x.x:
- Close all IE windows.
- Open a Command Console, go to C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files, enter del XTunnel.* /S.
- Reboot.
- Go to Control panel/Network Connections, delete Sonicwall SSL-VPN NetExtender.
- Go to Control panel/System/Device manager, delete the SSL-VPN NetExtender Adapter. You may first need to boot into Safe Mode.
- Reboot and delete SSLDrv.* files from C:\Windows and C:\Windows\System32.
- Reboot.
Version 1.5.x or later:
- Go to Control panel/System/Device manager, delete the SSL-VPN NetExtender Adapter. You may first need to boot into Safe Mode.
- Reboot and delete SSLDrv.* files from C:\Windows and C:\Windows\System32.
- Open a Command Console, go to C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files, enter del NELaunch*.* /S. If you are using Firefox, go to plugin folder and delete all npNELaunch*.* files.
- Go to C:\Windows, delete NESetupM.exe.
- Reboot.
Note: If the “SonicWALL NetExtender Service” still appears in the Microsoft Management Console Services list, perform the following steps.
- Open a Command Prompt by going to Start Menu > Run. Type “cmd”, and hit Enter.
- Type the following command to remove the service: “sc delete SONICWALL_NetExtender”.
- Refresh the Services list. The service should have disappeared.